guys are making it sound so easy. "just become a soldier, make your money, keep quiet, etc..."

everything revolves around contact with other people. every dollar you make usually comes at the cost of someone else and/or with the involvement of someone else. every dollar you make you are exposing yourself and I'd only imagine the more rackets you are in to the more known you would be. you could be the most quiet low profile guy on earth but one day a rival bookmaker, a disgruntled loan shark customer, an extortion victim or whatever could just go to the cops and boom... there it is. not to mention in order to run those types of rackets successfully people have to know who to come see, and the reputation of the guy they're going to see must be well known too.

im sure there are plenty of guys we don't hear about in busts, the news, maybe even in law enforcement charts making their money on the street quietly but eventually everything has to come to an end