Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: phatmatress
i think tom sizemore will be great. he does such a great job. too bad his personal life is in shambles. i loved him in bringing out the dead. a very over looked marty movie in my opinion

Yeah, Sizemore had a LOT of potential, but he has a lot of Charlie Sheen in him (minus the success). I read recently where Robert DeNiro, who was one of his biggest supporters, recently turned his back on him because of his never ending drug abuse. Hopefully having a new movie coming out will get him back on track because he really is a fine actor.

I could never compare these two. Even drug wise. Charlie Sheen may drink a few beers, get an eight ball and finger a hooker maybe, but Tom Sizemore will not only do that, he'll also go into the garage and sniff gasoline. Then he'll smoke crack with somebody in Compton, mix vodka with Turpentine, eat mushrooms, inject himself with a heroin overdose, sniff a little more gasoline and THEN he might call it a day, unless of course there's something left in the crack pipe. I saw him on celebrity rehab and I was disgusted. Charlie Sheen is sober compared to this clown.

I wish Tom well though. The guy was beautiful in Heat.

"What is given, can be taken away. Everyone lies. Everyone dies." - Casey Anthony, in a poem, July 7, 2008