Fame, et. al.,
I suppose I quit posting/visiting due to mostly my own immaturity. I got to where I actively sought out hot potato topics (like politics and theology), would get into the most pointless flame wars, get all mad, and thus vow never to visit again. I.e., "play MY way or I'll take my ball and go home!" So stupid. As I view now how ALL of the internet has degenerated and impersonalized everything just since those days, it disheartens me. Just because one can say anything anonymously doesn't mean he SHOULD, but such etiquette and scruples have gone out the window in today's Web. That still turns me off, and it frightens me when I think on what type of future generations that many (but not ALL) in THIS generation is spawning with such impersonal, cold-hearted rhetoric as I see in many blogs. J Geoff & SC have done their best at curtailing that behavior here and have done a good job. But they must truly feel it's a losing battle. I used to LOVE this site, but it became so inundated with flame throwers who had rather indulge in personal attacks rather than sensible dialogue and/or debate (me included at times), I got to where I found myself just getting mad whenever I logged in. Finally, I concluded it (and other sites I once loved) was a huge waste of time, did not do a thing for me except make me angry and disgusted, and thus dropped it like the proverbial bad habit.

Since "those days" (seems a century ago now), I've gone through a lot personally which I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. For starters, my 21 year marriage ended, the kids are grown and gone, and there were times I prayed for the sweet hand of Death. Well, all that's probably TMI for y'all, but you get the idea. Plus, I'm discovering how age can mellow you considerably. Things you thought were so critical and imperative suddenly don't look so critical and imperative any more. Your views change, your priorities change...YOU change. I used to believe people don't change, and I guess some don't. But I know for a fact that SOME do. Life inevitably changes some people. Well, sorry to start waxing philosophically, but I guess I'm doing more of that, too, these days! Anyway, I visited The Godfather site recently looking for a desktop wallpaper actually. And I saw the "Forums" link, and thought, "Why not?" I just wanted to see who else was still around. To my surprise, a lot of my old comrades are still here! Forgive me for not naming names, but I know I'd overlook someone and wouldn't want to tick anybody off...not on this board!! LOL! But it was pleasing to see so many familiar "faces" still around. I DO remember you, Fame, and always enjoyed your posts. I think you deserve kudos for posting this thread, and it says a lot about your integrity and honesty. I'll try myself to visit more. But I do want to steer clear of the hot potatoes! ;-)


"Vaya con Dios, Castle. Go with God."
"God's going to sit this one out." The Punisher (2004)