Originally Posted By: AppleOnYa
Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
...I know the SC Justices are appointed for life, but are there never any circumstances that are questionable?? Or are they always "right." Maybe a legal scholar can enlighten me, cause on the surface it sure does not sound "fair." ...

Sure some Supreme Court rulings end up being 'questionable', depending upon which side of a given case you're on. The problem is that the Supreme Court of the U.S. is, as they say "..The highest in the Land..." and once they've reached a decision or decided NOT to hear a case, then there's nowhere else to go from there.

You raise a good question about Supreme Court Justices though (both State and Federal), and if you're really interested in being 'enlightened' by a 'legal scholar', (which I doubt)...should read Mark Levin's book, 'Men In Black'.

Well, you're the last person I'd consider a "legal scholar" or take any advice from, but I know your "need" to chime in, especially on political threads.

I'm guessing I'm not alone in concluding that YOU Apple, are (one of) the rudest people here on the BB. Thankfully though, most people here won't let one bad Apple spoil the rest. smile

Have fun in your sandbox all by yourself!!!


Last edited by The Italian Stallionette; 02/08/11 02:52 PM.

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