Originally Posted By: Longneck
Originally Posted By: Turi Giuliano
Perhaps it's worth asking ourselves: Do we have a genuine attention deficiency, or is it more likely that we shy away from hard work?

I don't think you understand anything about the severity of those symptoms or what it's like, your whole post was insulting to me.

It's not about being lazy,...


But surely all that is just because I'm lazy and need to try harder, right Turi?

Longneck - my post never had the intention of causing offense or controversy. I never wished to insult you and I apologise if my post has been taken that way.

With regards to not understanding the severity of your condition. Perhaps I don't - in fact I don't, I merely wished to point out that I share many of the symptoms you've stated - I no way intended to say I fully understood the condition or that I was a chronic sufferer of the symptoms. I stated some things I thought you may have related to.

I also stated some things which I genuinly believe are true. I've just done a quick search on Google and my points are backed up, diet and modern lifestyle are being touted as most probable causes - though there's also a decent argument to say ADD is on the increase because we're better at diagnosing it now.

I fear my final point was ambiguous and it has been misconstrued. Being lazy was far from the point I was trying to make by 'shying away from hard work'. I never said lazy and I don't think you or I are lazy. My point was there something on a subconscious level perhaps that made people not focus on things and find themselves doing something else, something more confortable and easier. After all we're not talking about Alzheimer's here. Perhaps that's what ADD is - I'm really not sure.

Longneck, you have a Wife and child you've got some great things in your life. I know you're frustrated with certain things in your life but it is nobody's fault. If my original post sounded a little 'off' then I apologise again - it was never my intention to insult you. I'm glad you're finding positives from being able to understand how you are so you can learn from them and find a way to improve you life.

So die all who betray Giuliano