Originally Posted By: olivant
...Remmeber when the Miss America pageant was big news? How many care anymore?

Miss America was a BIG DEAL in our house when I was a kid...

Always on a Saturday night in September, from Atlantic City, NJ ... before the casinos came back.

Starring Bert Parks and for several years I remember, former Miss America Bess Myerson.

It was alot of fun to watch and my mother had an uncanny knack for picking out the winner very early in the show..even before the finalists were picked!! She managed to do it quite a few times!!

When Bert Parks was unceremoniously fired, Regis & Kathy Lee kept it alive for a few years...but it gradually lost whatever had made it so special.

I think the move to Vegas and cable tv was the final death knell. Now, hardly anybody even knows when it's on (including me)!!

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.