Originally Posted By: klydon1
Well, the ice storm tuesday night got the better of me. I was traveling south on Rte 81, which was a skating rink. I got to an exit about 60 miles from home a little after midnight, and ended up spending the night in my car. I was parked behind a couple tractor trailers. I fell asleep listening to the steady beating of the persistent sleet and George Harrison's "All Things Must Pass."

Were you on the mountain top near Frackville? Isn't that always one of the worse weather spots in PA; fog, rain, wind, snow...and that's in the summer. I was suppose to head up to the Valley this weekend for MIL 86th birthday, but the weather on Saturday doesn't look promising.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12