[quote=Capo de La Cosa Nostra]I watched 60 films last month, 53 of which were for the first time. 5 were at the cinema. If you want any thoughts on these, let me know...[quote]

MammaMia (not the film) Average 2 a day. I don't even watch 2 a month. What was the most in one day? Did you miss any days? Has this done any damage to your cortex or, are you more vibrant, cogent, and lucid than before. Quite a feat Capo clap

The other night I watched one of my favorites "Jeremiah Johnson", (1972) starring Robert Redford, directed by Sydney Pollack. If you've never seen it, I recommend it for it's simplicity and cinematic beauty. Redford plays the part of a "mountain man". Someone who wants to leave the past and world behind by striking out into the American western wilderness and living a life close to nature. But the Indians and "white man" provide conflict for his serene, simple life-style.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12