Originally Posted By: thebarber

what would b a fair estimate for income for a newly made guy? ? i know it can vary alot but is it safe to assume once you get your button you are bringing home a six figure income ??

Getting made doesn't necessarily change your income. At least not right away. Since it's not like the family is paying an associate a wage, he doesn't exactly get a raise after he gets his button. Many guys get made because they are already good earners. Unlike legitimate companies that pay their employees further down the ladder, money in the mob goes up. So, often it's the other way around. You'll be kicking up more money once you're made and under a specific captain. But the idea is being made gives you more prestige, which can provide for more opportunities and help your earning power down the road. While you have some on both ends of the financial spectrum - both multimillionaires and brokesters - most mob guys on average are more or less middle class.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.