Originally Posted By: Turi Giuliano
Perhaps it's worth asking ourselves: Do we have a genuine attention deficiency, or is it more likely that we shy away from hard work?

I don't think you understand anything about the severity of those symptoms or what it's like, your whole post was insulting to me.

It's not about being lazy, it can wreck your entire life if you let it. And to this point I had been because I didn't know why I was like this.

You can get half those things done? Cool, I'd be lucky to get that far. It took me about 10 hours to put my daughter's Christmas present together. My wife constantly asks me to pay attention to her, and I'm trying. I really really try but there is so much going on. I am always having to ask her to repeat things because I zone out in the middle of a fucking sentence. If the TV is on and she talks to me I try to pay attention to both and don't hear either. I can't finish a book, I'll start 4 at a time and read here or there until I get bored.

Not to mention all the fucking things I forget. I will get in the shower (not frequently enough) and not grab a towel beforehand. I will go to the post office but leave the mail at home. I lose my phone at least 3 times a day.

I failed every single online class I took the last few semesters of college and they were all online.

When I see a list I see the 5-10+ different things you have to do in order to complete the 1 thing. It is overwhelming. Like SB says it is better for me to do 1 thing at a time. Loading and unloading the dishwasher is a good chore for me. It's all in one place.

I get so angry at the smallest things and then I forget about it afterwards but everyone else remembers and it affects them but I never realized that before.

I have no friends. I have 1 person other than my wife I text about 2 times a month. Everyone else is an acquaintance. I do not have the social skills I need. I start a job and I do really well for awhile but then I get bored of it and my performance suffers. 4 months seems to be a common breaking point of me leaving a job.

My whole life to this point has kind of just been passing me by.

I would frequently forget to give my daughter her medication.

But surely all that is just because I'm lazy and need to try harder, right Turi?

Long as I remember The rain been coming down.
Clouds of Mystery pouring Confusion on the ground.
Good men through the ages, Trying to find the sun;
And I wonder, Still I wonder, Who'll stop the rain.