The first time I read this thread, I decided not to post to it. Then I came back to it and read what others had posted to it and again just kept quiet. Then today I thought that after waiting that I would add a few lines to it.

I have a sister and two cousins diagnosed with it in the early years of their lives I have lived around it so long that I sometimes forget about the subject. At one time it seems like teachers and doctors used this as a catch phrase to cover so many things.
Before that they often said these were just bad kids, problem children, Slow, or several other terms. That is all you would hear them use about children and some young adults. Blame everything on it. And so often the cry would always be to put them on drugs. You must put your kid on drugs. If one doesn't work, try another! We don't want them in school without something.

The nights I would hear my parents and my aunt and uncle talking about what they had learned from hours and hours of reading up on the subject, going to doctors and sharing with each other about it all. It was a major concern in our homes.

I remember my mother, always crying. Reading everything she could, about diets, food allergies, and anything she would hear about that may help. My sister was non stop since being born. Never sitting still, always on the move. She would get into everything. You had to keep an eye on her every min. a chatter box, always talking or singing. To this day she has a love of music and a great voice also.

Over the years my parents were always going up to the school. Along with other parents with kids who need the same kind of help. Fighting for help in the school system is like pulling teeth. They had told every teacher about her needs each year and their contract number if they had any problems, questions or concerns. Just call.

Often they would go up just to see where they had my sister placed in the classroom. A few times they found her pushed to the very back corner of the room. Isolated away from everyone, next to the window mind you. Just what a person who has trouble paying attention needs- to look out the window! To keep her busy....out in no man land, being written off. Then they would pass her with fake grades to move her along. Big Mistake!
Some friends overheard my folks talking to another family about what they were going thru. They also had the same problem and they knew other also. Stories started coming out. Kids were being almost pushed out of school without proper educations or ridden so hard that the kids hated going to a school that they had no love for. They would just drop out. It came out that kids were being told by teachers that at 16 that they could stop going to school if they didn't like.???? Other teachers were so strict that on the smallest things, that parents felt that it was to drive kids out so only kids that could pass all the state mandated test were left. Keeping their average up.

A group seemed to form, Pop being known in the community started getting phone calls from people. Even from people who's children had grown up and were out of the school system. Mad about what had happen to them over the years. He couldn't believe everything he was hearing, it wasn't just our family. Word Spread. Families got together. Meetings were held, a attorney came forward and before long the School board had a real problem on their hands.

Now the School District has a bigger special needs program, that is after several people were asked to step down, asked to retire or seem to move on to a different school districts.It isn't perfect by any means, but something is a whole lot better then nothing.

I have read several good posts here. First step, realize that YOU have the problem, and it is up to YOU to work on it.

"I am 26 years old and more than a little bitter about no one catching this before. So many things could have been different. It just feels like no one cared enough to notice. And now I am really far behind as far as career or anything else because of it. "

I know what you are feeling, my friend. I hope my sisters story shows you how hard it is even if you have someone catch it and work with you to help. Mom said that she can only remember three teachers in all those classes in all those years that really did something other then give lip service and blow smoke. My Mothers cried the night she heard that she was retiring. A lady that took interest in children like the old days. One in a million. I guess you just have to blame the system.

Pop swears that so many of the doctors ( and there were a good many) knew shit about helping many of the kids with this problem back then. So many jumped on the bandwagon charging hundreds an hour, taking money with little help to the kids. It was a Doctors holiday going in twice a week, an hour in the office and another in the travel time and waiting, filling out paper, etc.

A good word is Routine! Make one! and keep it! Your Diet, your Meds, and sleep if you can! Being the big three!

Don't take on more then you can handle, don't set yourself up for failure.
Finish one thing before starting another. Learn to tell people no.

Stay out of what I call the drama shop. Something my sister can never do. She in involved with everyone, their lives and their problems She has enough of her own, mind you. But others seem to be more important then hers.

Keep your hygiene up. If you dwell on one thing, make this your area. Brush your teeth, shower and keep your clothes up and neet.

Seek out others who can help you or offer suggestions that may know somethings...
don't expect things to change overnight. One step at a time my friend.

Oh and for crying out loud...don't use it as an excuse! You will burn every bridge out there if you do.

Last edited by fathersson; 01/30/11 06:46 PM.

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CAUTION: This Post has not been approved by Don Cardi.

You really don't expect people to believe your shit do you?

Read: "The Daily Apple"- Telling America and the Gangster BB like it really is!