I think you can ask most people and they will say they suffer from most, if not all, of the above statements. That's not to say I doubt your diagnosis of it Longneck - as I don't but most people faced with tasks that aren't very interesting to the individual (chores, duties, work etc.) will find themselves easily distracted. I just think these are common symptoms for most of us.

Without even looking into scientific studies I bet ADD is on the increase and two of the reasons for that must surely include diet and people's social habits have changed/evolved.

Firstly - we know for a fact that a poor diet (and lack of excercise) leads to the inability to concentrate properly. Either you're not receiving enough nutrients to give the body what it requires to maintain function or you're too sugared/caffeined up to focus on one particular task.

Secondly - regarding social habits, a few of you will be reading this from your laptops whilst keeping one eye on television. Many of you will have been brought up with video games and TV as your main source of entertainment, or even Facebook/Gangster BB. We're being brought up with so many distractions in our lives that we struggle to deal with and focus on just one task.

My plan for today includes about 9 chores. I guarantee I'll start all of them and complete about 50% of them. As I'll have forgot what I've started and move onto (or back to) something else. At work I'm exactly the same - it'll start off by reading an email which prompts me to start a project (because I need to start it straight away with so many ideas in my head), but then I'll revert back to my email, which may prompt me to start something else. Before I know it I've got about 3 emails I've started, 2 Word docs and about 4 Excel spreadsheets going at the same time.

I certainly fit most of the criteria in Longneck's post above, it's definitely affected my school/Uni grades and possibly it's an influence in why I've not advanced in work as much as I would have liked. But I'm not sure about having ADD. I recently showed an end of year school report I had to my girlfriend which had the running theme in each subject as "Has the ability but could try a lot harder".

Perhaps it's worth asking ourselves: Do we have a genuine attention deficiency, or is it more likely that we shy away from hard work?

Last edited by Turi Giuliano; 01/30/11 07:31 AM.

So die all who betray Giuliano