Originally Posted By: GerryLang
Originally Posted By: GaryH
Probably the mobster who intrigues me the most is Anthony Casso like a lot of people here, so there's no point in explaining it too much.
I am also intrigued by the DeMeo crew, but the Gemini Twins (Anthony Senter and Joe Testa) not Roy DeMeo so much. Those guys were up there with the most brutal and efficient hit squads in mafia history, and those two did a lot of the work. Senter was a tough son of a bitch; fought pretty hard growing up and he even ended up killing Roy DeMeo himself

The version of DeMeo's death that I believe is that Roy went to Patty Testa's house for a meeting with his men.
He was seated and about to receive coffee when the Twins shot him.
Roy was to heavy to lift so they strapped his body to a chair and "walked" the chair into the garage where they stuffed him in the trunk and then one of them got the funny idea of draping a chandeliar on top of the body!
Are Joey+Anthony in the same jail or have they been seperated for years?

I'd like to know more about Testa and Senter when they were with the Lucchese family.
All I really know is that after Gaspipe tortured and Killed Jimmy Hydell they got the job of cleaning up the scene.
They also shot a crazy Russian gangster who was strong arming one of Gaspipe's associates.

I think Testa and Senter have always been seperated in prison since they were convicted. One of the Testa brothers, Patty, became a made member of the Luchese. He was close with both Amuso and Casso, he was Amuso's messenger when he was on the run. Casso eventually had him killed, he wanted to make it look like it was the Gambino's who killed Testa, so he could kill Gotti's son in return. Patty Testa was a prodigy and huge earner as a very young man, as it was told in Murder Machine. Casso said in his book he took in Senter and Testa once DeMeo was killed, and used them in a couple hits. He even claimed he eventually got the contract to kill DeMeo, I don't know how true that is though...

i find it hard to believe that casso really killed demeo too. demeo is one of my fav people to read about and his crew as well. wasnt it because the feds were looking at patty testa so hard that it kinda led them to roy?

I hate Dicknoses!!!!!!