From yesterday:

Dow Moves Past 12,000 for first time since June 2008

The Dow Jones industrial average rose above 12,000 for the first time in nearly three years on Wednesday — for a moment or two, at least.

The index jumped above 12,000 shortly after 10 a.m. — its first time above that level since June 19, 2008 — only to falter from there. It closed at 11,985.44, up 8.25 points on the day.

The market has come a long way already. After sinking to nearly 6,500 in early March 2009, in the aftermath of the crisis, the Dow has vaulted past one milestone after another. With Wednesday’s gain, it has advanced an astonishing 5,391 points.

And a liberal blog inevitably will bring this up:

For those of you keeping score at home, the Dow closed at 7,949 on Bush's last day in office. That means it's gone up 50% since President Obama's inauguration