Originally Posted By: Fame
... do you think it's perfectly fine to print it on your T-shirt and walk the streets with it?...

Whether we like the swastika or not, ANYBODY in the USA has the freedom/right to print it on their clothing and 'walk the streets' with it. (Of course, wearing it at school or work would be another matter and in those places it would be rightfully forbidden.)

But...they would get a very bad reaction if they did. Which they would probably expect and be proud of, because anyone who would dare display such a thing knowing what it means obviously has a message.

I remember incredible negative fallout several years ago when Prince Harry was pictured costumed in a Nazi uniform at some masquerade party. I never thought by any means that HRH was in agreement with what it represents...and after all it was just a costume in his opinion...but HRH clearly did not take the time to consider the effect this would have.

Honestly, Fame...your initial purpose for the -N- word thread has been applauded and invoked initeresting conversation...but don't you think we've taken it a bit far?

Symbols and words DO have meaning.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.