I think the key point in all this discussion, is not whether you have the right to spell out any word you like, or spell out any "collection of letters" -- I think the key point is whether you choose to do so knowing that it will offend afro-americans out there, and mostly the elder generation.

Of course, you can argue that "they choose to be offended" and that you didn't mean to offend anyone, but the fact is that it does offend them regardless of your innocent intentions, because the word triggers bad memories and bad emotions they want to forget.

So if by not saying a certain word I can prevent that from happening, then fine I'm willing to make that "sacrifice".

I do think freedom of speech is important, but I can live with not saying a few words that I don't have to use.

And no, I dont think we ought to "police" ppl about it - I think every individual should think for himself whether to use that word.

And I'd like to add another angle to our discussion:

I ask you all: how do you feel about the Swastika?

Is it just a "collection of lines", just another shape?

Will you tell a Holocaust survivor, that this shape is meaningless, and it could be drawn feely if there's no mal intention involved?

If you happen to like this certain shape, do you think it's perfectly fine to print it on your T-shirt and walk the streets with it?

(nowadays, I think the symbol is mostly used by neo-nazis who spray it on synagogues and jewish graves)

"Come out and take it, you dirty, yellow-bellied rat, or I'll give it to you through the door!"

- James Cagney in "Taxi!" (1932)