Originally Posted By: Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica
Article compares the outcome of '08 roundup Operation Pathfinder/Old Bridge to these latest arrests. How many of the 127 odd mobsters arrested will actually go to trial & get convicted, & how many of those will serve serious time? Most of those arrested in '08 are out already.


Altough i guess the arrests were bad enough for Charles Carneglia, Little Nick & the Gotti's eh? Still, its a low percentage. So really, even if there are succesful convictions of the Colombo heirarchy, for example, the arrests have served purpose.

You know what's funny, Sonny could be out BEFORE Andy Mush and his two lovely assistants. Sure he'll be 102, but with the all the problems that family has had recently, a 102 year-old sadistic wiseguy with a short fuse and a thing for strip clubs doesn't sound bad at all.

"What is given, can be taken away. Everyone lies. Everyone dies." - Casey Anthony, in a poem, July 7, 2008