Originally Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra
...Words have never offended me more than the intention behind them.

For instance, if someone called my mother a [BadWord], I'd be much more offended by the implication that that sort of thing would goad me into a reaction than the 'insult' itself.

Last summer, I had a minor altercation with another female driver, who appeared to be about 20 years my senior...right on my block where I live. Leaving out the details, the whole thing ended with her yelling the following at me, before driving away:

"I hope you drop dead, you c**t!!!'

Because this was another woman, and an old lady besides...I found and still find this quite hilarious. But if it were a man, no matter what age, I think I would've been pretty upset.

I doubt she expected or even wanted a reaction, her intent was to let off some serious steam.

Words DO have meaning, and in what context and by whom they are said can either magnify or diminish that meaning. But once they are said they cannot be 'un-said'.

Any wannabe intellectual can proclaim what they would do or how they would react IF such & such were said to them, but I really don't feel that life works that way.

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.