Tom isn't a wartime consigliere because he failed to see the play the Turk was making during the failed drug deal offer meeting. Geno would had quietly had more guys guarding the Don immediately after seeing Sonny's outburst at the meeting, because he shown a weakness in the Corleone's armor (greed) and knew that they would make a play to Sonny to by either trying to get him to killed his dad, or have somebody take out Vito and Sonny (hence Geno probably would had upped the security on both to make sure nobody got through.) Also Geno would had admonish Sonny for leaving the compound during the war just to get at Carlo (because he knew the other would had use real family as a weakness --- just look at Luke in Cloud City, in Empire Strikes Back as an analogy for going back too soon) ......

Questo Consigliere Deaf vi farà dormire con i pesci ...!

-- unknown Consigliere nicknamed called "Deafy"