Aaaaa....the word that every guy dreads, and every girl longs to hear.

No, I will not say it, and I'm warning you all: say it and you will be punished with 100 push ups and 2 laps! are we clear on that? good. If you MUST say it, please type "Ma**iage" grin grin

Ok, ok, all jokes aside, let's get down to business:


Part I: Age Factor
Is there one? should there be a minimum age for getting married, and what should it be? 16 or 18? maybe 21? (I know how it is in several states and countries, I'm asking for your personal opinion, what you think should be the minimum)

Also, is there a certain range of years in a man's or woman's life during which s/he's supposed to get married? is it best to get married in your 20's, and better not late than 35? is 40 too late if you want children?

Part II: Civil Marriage
Is there anything lost in civil marriage? is the union/contract/institution becomes any less if the holy aspect is gone?

Part III: Fulfillment in Life
Will you say that marriage is a necessity, one that each and every human must fulfill, or at least try to?

Should we all aspire to have children, and is marriage the first requirement?

Part IV: Career
Should having a certain demanding job, or the lack of any job, be an impediment to marriage?

Is there such thing as a 'responsible marriage', or should marriage answer only to love?

Part V: Knight in Shining Armour
Do you think marriage should be the product of true love and true love only? do you believe in waiting for "the one" ?

If two people fit each other, like each other, learn to love each other, and marriage will work for both -- is that enough? must they be CRAZY about each other? must you wait and wait until you find your ultimate prince/princess or do you need to "seize the opportunity" once it knocks on your door?

Part VI: Speeding Process
If time is against you, and you can't find a spouse, will you recommend "instant solutions" such as dating websites, or pickup bars?

Part VII: Unmarried Couples
Would you recommend against it in the long run? and if they want kids, yet wish to never marry? what are the pros/cons of unmarried couples / partnership?


Now if you'll excuse me, I think I ought to punish myself with 900 push ups or something like that...I don't wanna count grin

"Come out and take it, you dirty, yellow-bellied rat, or I'll give it to you through the door!"

- James Cagney in "Taxi!" (1932)