Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Speaking of which, anyone close to my age will remember the Disney movie, "The Song Of The South" Isn't there a controversy surrounding that movie content as well? I wanna say they aren't releasing it on DVD or something? Anyone else know?

Gosh, it has been probably since I was a kid that I saw the movie, but I remember it being a very heartwarming film.


Disney never released SOTS uncut on VHS, and never will release it on DVD, at least in America. What's fucked up is that it's available over in Europe.

Of course Europe is racist anyway, so I'm not surprised. tongue

I get why Disney would rather wish SOTS be forgotten and never mentioned again, but its silly not just for the same point most of us in this thread have agreed upon already.

But also wrong or not the movie happened and has its place in Disney history. It won several Oscars, including Best Song ("Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah") and served as the inspiration for the very popular Disneyland/World ride Splash Mountain. Which also is nicknamed "Flash Mountain" for some women notably "flashing" the ride camera. smile

Some years back Disney released a wonderful DVD set containing all the studio's animated World War 2 propaganda, with an authority figure (Leonard Maltin, I believe) explaining the context of the war and 1940s in these pictures including those that especially played on racist chariactures of the Japanese (buck teeth, yellow skin, squinty eyes) which you found regularly in contemporary LIFE, TIME, and other mainstream publications. Hell even the very liberal Dr. Seuss played on them too on his newspaper cartoons.

That DVD set also included this:

If Disney was to ever grow a pair and accept its history, they should do SOTS in a similar DVD release. You can't ignore history, nor ignore why it was ignored in the first place. A balance can be made.

Originally Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

(Because replacing letters with asterisks isn't being polite, it's being stupid.)

Yes it is.