Originally Posted By: Brwne Byte
Woah this is exciting! I Tom Hardy is really cool. Can't wait! Now I hope they don't do any reboots after this one heh.

They will. The money is too much, too essential to the studio's books and too reliable of an old whore for WB to be simply retired. All those and more capitalist metaphors.

Hell Marvel is doing there best to pump out SPIDER-MAN and X-MEN prequels for this and next year. Like people actually want them. Do you want to know why Magneto and Professor X hate each other? Do you really want to know how awkward High School was for Spider-Man? I got the ideas the first time around, I don't need elaboration.

For that matter, the 2011 "Cape Crop" doesn't intrigue me all that much. Or in translation, not at all so far from what I've seen. THOR and GREEN LANTERN are both helmed by directors I like (Kenneth Branagh, Martin Campbell) even if they're both inconsistent as fuck filmmakers.

But either those trailers were so formulaic and dull, or its the properties themselves but I just can't give a shit about either at the moment. I'm sure the THOR people are happy that they might benefit greatly from Natalie Portman's casting if indeed she wins the Oscar.