I don't watch the show at all, never have never will.

But have heard several people say over the past week that it alot more than a judge was lost when Simon left the show.

Just last night Robin Leach claimed in a radio interview that Simon Cowel alone had the guts to tell people outright if they did not belong there. And let's face it part of the fun of the show was seeing him being honest (and yes, a dick) to the untalented. And if you as the viewer sitting on your couch feel that way about someone, you WANT to hear it told to them by a judge. It's what people loved to hate about Simon.

Their choice of judget shows the producers are trying to re-create the Simon/Paula dynamics. They tried w/ Ellen Degeneris, among other 'Paula' replacements...failed miserably.

Long live American Idol, makes no difference to me...from what I understand, contestants remain on the show more through audience voting anyway so they better find a way to keep the ratings going.

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.