Speaking of the Enron collapse...

What a display in faulty capitalism that was. Apart from the frivolous accounting practices (i.e not having any money but somehow turing a profit every quarter with phony energy accounts) Enron also tried to deregulate the Utility industry in California (in the name of capitalism) in order to turn a bogus profiting by orchestrating all of those blackouts back in 2001; blackouts they profited from by hedging that the price of energy would go through the roof. If not for those bogus blackouts there's no way in hell that Ahhnald Schwarzenegger would have had the momentum to usurp then active governor Gray Davis.

And then there's "Kenny Boy", as the Bushes called him, Enron CEO/founder Ken Lay--does anyone honestly think this guy did NOT take his OWN life in July of '06? confused

Consider the evidence:

-His trial began in January of that year, and there's no question that the Bush boys were going to be complicit in anything Lay would disclose from his early years. GW was of course in the White House at the time, and this thing could have brought a major storm on top of what was already going on in the country at the time. (Lay and George Sr. were absolutely business partners in the early days of Enron).

-He died in Colorado, a state that Enron and executives owned immensely (one exec was the second largest land owner in Colorado). Lay could have easily disappeared in the wilds of the Rocky Mountains with all his blood money.

-Since Lay's death, the case against him has been completely dropped; a legal decision that is virtually unprecedented. This would of course have left Bush Sr. in the clear, too. wink Thus it certainly would have been in Lay's best interest to drop off the face of the Earth.

And if Ken Lay could fake his own death, it just makes me wonder who else throughout history has done so.....