Benny on a cake? Now that's sweet!! Thanks, SB. grin

I spent much of my free time this winter break watching The Sopranos, and tonight marked the end for me. I always wanted to watch the entire series, but I owe it to Mick for truly motivating me to actually do it. And my cousin Nick was kind enough to loan his DVDs, after having gone through the show himself just before. To avoid rambling on, I will just say that I'm so very proud to finally be a fan of the show, after having completely missed out on its original run...and I'm so glad to have been exposed to such incredible work. Can't wait to watch it all over again.

My attached photo is one of the gifts my dad gave me - a Sopranos sweatshirt. When I first saw it, I could swear it was store-bought and wondered if he'd ordered it online. As it turns out, he created a stencil and then used fabric paint to actually make this! Then he brought out a t-shirt that I couldn't doubt was something he'd created, because I was on it, along with my cousin - in the same style as Tony is shown. He included our family name, done in the Sopranos style, and our pictures were based on a photo he'd taken of us imitating Silvio. lol

Attached Files S2.jpg