Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
.... and rejected accusations – many coming from members of his own party and the tea party movement – "that his policies and beliefs make him unworthy to lead America."

It sickens me when I hear members of our government, the leaders of our country for that matter, say negative things like this about the President, the Leader, the Commander in Chief of our great nation! ESPECIALLY during a time of war!

Our enemies see things like this being said and they sit there and laugh, probably saying that if we, as a nation, cannot pull together and show a unified front, show support during these times for our Commander In Chief then we are weak and will never be able to defeat them. That we will never be able to overcome adversity. Scumbags like the extremists who want to destroy this nation and our ideals use these types of remarks as fodder to instill false confidence in those that they are trying to turn against this nation and the rest of the free world.

Disagreeing with the President and some of his policies is one thing...it's what keeps us a democracy and is what has kept us a free nation for so long,...but to blatantly make disgusting remarks like " The President is a miserable failure" or "The President is unworthy of leading America" is just outrageous! It is not a form of debate or a way to keep our government in a checks and balances mode. It's an outright attack that just breeds hate, causes unneeded division within our government and our nation, and arms our enemies with more strategies to try and use against us.

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.