Originally Posted By: Mooney
Originally Posted By: Sonny_Black
I'm speaking in the past sense because Nicolo is recently killed and Vito is locked up in prison. And since it's now turmoil in Montreal it looks lke his days are over. I'm really wondering what Vito Rizzuto will do when he returns, if that would happen in the first place. It's most likely he will be out of the picture as others have filled the power vacuum he left behind.

The big question is: will he still have allies left and be able to pull some strings? We will see.

Don't forget that Vito may have to stand trial in Italy for the bridge money laundering scheme. It's quite possible that he will be extradited to face those charges.

Like I said, 'if that would happen in the first place'. smile

"It was between the brothers Kay -- I had nothing to do with it."