I would certainly like to spend a day in the lives of ancestors.

Historically, I would have liked to have seen the inauguration ,f John Adams in Philly. The world could not fathom a peaceful transferral of power, and the international press attended, expecting to see Washington to defend his office with violence. Instead, George showed up in a horsedrawn carriage, quietly watched,and walked home alone after the ceremony.

I would also love to see a major league baseball game from around 1908-1914. Not only would the game interest me, but the crowd behavior and reactions would be fascinating.

I would also like to present to determinre the nature of the death of baseball player, Ed Delahanty at the turn of the century. The greatest hitter of his era, alot of mystery surrounds his death as he was put off a train due to drunkenness, and days later was found drowned in the Niagra River.