This past weekend, all three of the "Back to the Future" movies played on one of the national networks. This got me thinking that if time travel was truly possible, what era/date would I like to visit and why? You would be just like Marty McFly in as though you would be observing everything back then with all the knowledge/experience you have now. I am interested to hear other members input as well. Personally, I would like to go back to around 1972. All my grandparents/aunts & uncles and cousins were alive, all of my siblings were born and my grandfather from Palermo didn't have cancer yet. He died when I was 7 and I wish I could spend time with him as an adult. It seems everything changed in my family after his death and I would just like to go back and talk with him. Anybody else willing to share their "Back to the Future" aspirations?