Mark, your cooties are welcome! Especially with your insider info about Mike and Frank. grin That's really so great to hear that, and I can absolutely see how they would be really down-to-earth and fun to be around. I just looked up a bit about them online and read that the two have been friends since 8th grade! I love how passionate Mike is about everything he finds, and it always cracks me up when he gives play-by-play while talking to the camera because he gets so into it.

SB, I'm sure a man such as Jeter did take a lot of time and skill, and he certainly is gorgeous. lol Should've clarified the subject a bit. haha I'd love to try making flowers, but I'm sure I'd require a lot of practice. We have all the icing decoration "bits" that create the different designs (a woman's version of a drill bit, huh?!), so I suppose I could try someday. What a nice idea to get the book - are the recipes all types of food, or cakes/pastries?

I used to get stuck watching the "What Not to Wear" marathons, not really wanting to, and now I usually can't change the channel if I happen to see it on! It's just interesting to see what changes the person goes through emotionally, as they realize how they've held themselves back. I like those especially, when they are able to overcome something about themselves and gain new confidence, rather than just a new wardrobe.

And for an actual Ladies' Thread contribution (though having nothing to do w/sports), I'd like to include this dear fellow...

My parents gave me a DVD set of Hitchcock films, and we watched "The Lady Vanishes" the other day, and after that and a couple of short features, I'm hooked and can't wait to see more. I loved this character played by Michael Redgrave - his great wit and chemistry, and such a cute feisty one!