ShortCake, I think I have a solution for you. Read the rest of this fucking thread. We've already went over if homosexuality is a choice or not. It's an opinion. Stop dragging it out. IT'S OVER. We're now onto discrimination of homosexuals. Try and keep up, now. smile

Stop trying to deny that you weren't defending homosexuals. You told Vercetti to stop bashing them. "Stop bashing them!" was your quote. Why tell someone to stop bashing someone, if you're for it? And even if it isn't in EXACT words; you were telling me on AIM, as the discussion went on, that bashing homosexuals was wrong. Deny it all you want, neither of us have AIM proof. But, even IF(key word) you didn't, you're still a hypocrite by saying that homosexuality if wrong 'cause the Bible says so... And everything in the Bible is right, you say, but you admit to having premarrital sex. Hmmm... Do I smell a hypocrite? "The Bible says so! End of discussion!" I love it!

It's so obvious you're avoiding the subject. Answer this; please... Don't be a coward.

Why is homosexuality wrong if the Bible says so, and the Bible is always right; when you, yourself, commit acts of adultery, which the Bible says is wrong? PLEASE answer! I'm so fucking intrigued to hear about it! Please... Really, c'mon.

And why would the Bible say that, or God do that, you ask? Simple. I said it before. The Bible is a fucking contradiction.

I predict you avoid the question again.

the power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it. george bernard shaw