ShortCake, you told Vercetti to stop his "bashing shit" on page 2 of the Dedicated to Minnow thread:

"Vercetti..enough of the bashing shit and cheeks,everyone else...just stop egging him on."

But that isn't so much what I'm wondering about. Answer that question we have been asking you again and again and again and again and again which you won't answer! Please!

And stop calling names, ShortCake. I try not to to you, which is hard since I don't exactly have very nice feelings towards you right now. tongue

I may disagree with Vercetti on the whole, but he is saying it better than you. Thing is, for a true Christian as you claim to be, you're pretty bad...what with all you're premarrital sex and your terrible acceptance of different people (neighbours), plus a good dose of swearing to add to your resume as well! Hell! You're a sinner and that's no doubt! ohwell Hagan as well...


Only after the last tree has been cut down
Only after the last river has been poisioned
Only after the last fish has been caught

Then you will find that money cannot be eaten.