Here's something you just brought to my attention, Uzto. If someone's gay, then they can't help it. I've said it before. But, hey... Let's say they can. Let's say they have a choice. I don't believe they do, but let's just say they do, hm? Okay. So, HH, just because someone goes against your religion, you hate them? Anyone who is not for your religion, you're against? That's just as bad as being a racist; prejudice. You've said yourself that you went against your religion with premarrital sex. So, you went against it yourself, do you hate yourself? Bro, you're being so hyprocritical.

What if it weren't a Christian? What if it was a religion that doesn't think homosexuality is wrong? Then they aren't breaking the religion, because it's not their's to follow. My point is... They just may not be religious. Is that their fault? So, you would basically be disliking them because they aren't religious, they are of a different religion, etc. And that, my friend, is being prejudice agains another religionl; JUST as bad as racism.

the power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it. george bernard shaw