Originally Posted By: J Geoff

Just finished shoveling. It was up to my knees (20") plus higher drifts. Thankfully some kid stopped to help me out (of $40) but he probably saved my life.

My side of the Island got hit with about 30" of snow and that doesn't count the drifts! Shoveled from 9:10 this morning to about 3:00 this afternoon and still I was not even able to get to my driveway to shovel it out!!!! My body is aching all over.

The street outside is filled with so much snow! We are really buried here.

Then I have to see the idiot Mayor Bloomberg on television saying that NYC got hit with only 20" of snow, how it is a normal day, everything is going fine with snow salting and plowing, it's business as usual in NYC...etc. etc. Obviously the mayor is going by the measured snow fall in Central Park! Obviously he forgets that there are other boroughs in this city.

So I called 311 and got the mayor's office on the line and asked them to have mayor Bloomberg come out to my side of Staten Island so that I could show him what 30" of snow looks like and how it really is NOT business as usual in the borough that got him elected! The guy on the line said that he would relay my message to the appropriate person and also said that he will be sure to inform them that my area of Staten Island was hit hard and that we need plowing and salting done.

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.