Let's say, you guys grew close, like brothers. And you two turned out to be best friends. The guy, AS A HUMAN BEING, is a GOOD person. Now, he reveals he's homosexual. Now he's disgusting?
Of course there would be a dilemma there, and luckily I have never had to distance myself from anyone for that reason. I can tell you this, if my BROTHER was gay I would disown him. As would the rest of my entire family. That just doesn't happen amongst our people. If I had a great friend that was gay, I would have to give the friendship up. I know this sounds like hogwash to a lot of people, but I am not like most people. I can honestly tell you that I am a very cold person. My bonds are very loosely constructed and can be easily broken. This would be one case where I would have to do that. I know my unloving ways are a fault, and I have tried to change them, but I am just a shithead. Sorry, that's just me. In short, I would drop my friend. It would probably hurt for a while, but like I said, I would be able to get over it.

I believe it does not make sense that someone gets to that point in their lives and says... "Hmmm... Do I wanna be homosexual... Or heterosexual? Bah, I'll be homosexual." That's pretty fucking stupid, to me.
You share my feelings. Why would someone choose to be gay? I cannot fathom it. But you are trivializing the choice they ultimately have to make. They don't just wake up one day and say, "I'm a homo now!" But they do choose to get buttslammed. No doubt about it. And this is where they damn themselves. Acting on your disgusting urges is wrong. As I've said, I would love to kill a few of you guys, but I won't because I realize that it is sick and wrong. Homos don't realize that what they are doing is wrong. That in itself is another wrongdoing: not seeing your evils.

Isn't that against the Bible?! mad wink grin lol
You bet! wink

J! E! T! S! Jets! Jets! Jets!