I think Geoff is right. Me and you are arguing about two different things, HH. When you say homosexuals are disgusting, are you saying them, as humans beings, are disgusting? Or that their act of homosexual sex is disgusting? They're human beings, so I don't consider them disgusting as people unless they do something disrespectful; then they, as humans, are disgusting. But, not JUST because they are homosexual, because God made them that way. BUT. If you're talking about homosexual sex being disgusting -- well, fuck yes. I think a guy being fucked is disgusting, too. But, what you were saying was that they, as humans just because they are homosexual, are disgusting. I still don't know what you meant; but whatever you meant, your answer/reply is above.

The gene may be not proven; but it's also more likely than not. There must be SOMETHING that causes homosexuality. Because, it's not a choice; at all. And you say there must be someone else who was homosexual for the gene to pass on -- I agree. And it CAN be, but genes can be carried on FOREVER. One of their ancestors can be homosexual. Proving the point that it CAN be a gene. I don't know for sure about that. But, my point is; homosexuality is not a desicion, but you're correct about the act of homosexual sex being a choice. You don't choose to be homosexual, but you DO, however, choose to have homosexual sex. Agreed?

However, homosexuality being wrong is an opinion. You can't say "it's wrong, and that's it" because it's not it. Others may disagree, like myself. I don't think it's wrong, it's their life, and they can't help it. God made them that way. My stance on homosexual is sex is; it's disgusting, to me, but -- hey, it's their lives. If they want pleasure, let them do it. Weather God forgives them or not is his decision. I think that they SHOULD be able to, but for two reasons. One being that they are humans who crave pleasure just as much as heterosexual people. They should be able to have pleasure in sex just as much as heterosexuals. But, another thing is -- that I don't agree with the Bible about sex for pleasure being wrong.

I believe I can be Catholic, go by the Bible, and have my own beliefs also. That's just my perspective, my outlook. And I know I've said this before, but I believe it needs to be repeated. God gives us free will, and my free will is to have my own beliefs as well as the Bible's.

That is all.

Oh, yeah, and ShortCake -- I still want an answer... About homosexuality being wrong 'cause the Bible says so. But, you have admitted to having premarrital sex, when the Bible says it's wrong. You say the Bible's always right; so I just want some clarification.

the power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it. george bernard shaw