Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
The gas prices here suddenly was increased to $2.48 per gallon from $0.4 per gallon, with a limit of 132 gallons per month for each car. There's also a 16 gallon/month subsidized limit available for the time being at $1.4 per gallon for each car.

Just bear in mind that a simple worker gets paid around $283 a month.

It is just outrageous. The gasoline for diesel motors has risen 21 times what it was before. It is unbelievable. Not sure now we should laugh at the absurdity of this, or we should cry.

We in the states most likely think that gas in the Middle East is like a drink of water over here. Those increases are insane. Good Luck.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12