Definately. GuineaPig, I love you, man! You reflect my views, for the most part, full heartedly. The Bible, although I don't read it daily, I know enough about God's ways to get by. Doesn't mean I have to fucking slave over it. Also, yes, there is NOTHING wrong with homosexuals. I respect every human being who hasn't done any harm to anyone, or hasn't done anything disrespectful. Being homosexual is NOT disrespectful to ANYONE. It's their own business, and GOD made them that way. It is not their fault, so to shun them over something they have no control of is disgusting.

Anal sex, oral sex, and premarrital are also wrong according to the Bible. Yes, Guineapig, you are very correct. And, also, the Bible says that you should only have sex for reproduction, and not pleasure. Are you going to abide by that, ShortCake and HH? ShortCake, you say that homosexuality is wrong 'cause the Bible says so. "The Bible says so, end of discussion!" was your quote. Well, the Bible also says sex before marriage and sex for pleasure is wrong... But, you've openly admitted on the boards you do those. So, why? Since the Bible says it's wrong, and you go by whatever the Bible says? It says so, so end of discussion, right? Please explain. I'm intrigued. PLEASE, ShortCake. I would really like to know.

the power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it. george bernard shaw