HH, the Bible tells me to have free will. To believe in what I want. I believe in what I want, I believe in God. I believe in him with all my respect, faith, and religion. But that doesn't mean I have to agree with every little thing he writes. He said we can have free will, and I believe I can have my OWN beliefs as well as follow that religion. I don't have to go by EVERYTHING in the Bible; and not have my own beliefs. I'm very firm when it comes to my beliefs, and I will have my own views. And my views relfect alot of what the Bible says, but also, I disagree with some of it.

Why do I respect homosexuals? Because they are people. They have done nothing wrong. I disagree homosexuality is wrong BECAUSE THEY CAN'T HELP IT. God says homosexuals are wrong, but HE creates them. They are human beings like you and I, and being homosexual doesn't harm anyone. That's why I respect them. They are human.

ShortCake, why do you think everyone's trying to change your mind? I don't give a damn if you belief it's wrong. I think you're wrong; doesn't mean I'm trying to change you're mind. Debates and discussions are about trying to show people their beliefs, and contradictions, and what's wrong, and right, and etc. Doesn't mean we're trying to change your views.

"The Bible says so! End of discussion." Haha, I love it.

the power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it. george bernard shaw