AL, if anything in this world is definative; if anything in this world can stop a debate for good, it's the Bible. Sure, you'd like to give your own opinions on the way you comprehend the Good Book, but that's that. Bible says **** are going to hell, they sure are. Bible says if you fuck up and go to hell unless you repent, you sure do. The reason that religion is such a hot topic is because people are weak. They want to SEE God and talk to him. It's not happening folks, unless you are part of a miracle. Live with it. Die with it. In the afterlife, you will get to spend plenty of time with him, if you do what he commands.

I know someone is going to counter with "religious people are weak, they believe because they are scared". You are 100% right. I am terrified. I want more than anything to go to heaven. But fear doesn't make me weak. Everyone is afraid at one point or another. Faith makes me strong in that I can dedicate my life 100% to something that I have never seen, heard, touched, or smelled. My mind is strong enough to keep me focused and unwaivering.

That being said, my personal opinions are as follows. Gays are wrong, and will pay the ultimate price. AL has very twisted views. If you believe in what you say you do, it is most certainly not My Catholic God. Not all sins get you to hell. Only mortal sins. And you can be forgiven, only if you are truly sorry. Does this contradict with free will? No. You can do what you please, but there are consequences. Do evil, go to hell. Do good, go to heaven. By free will, it is meant that you will not be forced to go one way or another. If you want to fuck a guys ass, you can. Your dick will not miss. But when you do, you are damning yourself.

And what makes you respect a homo? What do they do that is so respectable?

J! E! T! S! Jets! Jets! Jets!