People are so freaking stupid.

My wife owns a laundromat up in Mount Vernon. She has the flu, so this morning I drove up to stock the change machines and clean up a little.

Anyway, early this morning a guy comes in. He's half asleep or hungover. Whatever. He loads his laundry into one of the machines, then goes to the change machine to get change. He stumbles back over to the machines, puts the change in the wrong washer, then starts the wash. He doesn't notice that he's washing nothing for about ten minutes. Then he has the balls to tell me that I owe him a refund. I promptly told the guy that he was nuts and that there were two other laundromats within walking distance if he didn't like it.

Friggin idiot.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.