Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Too many powerful people are upset with him. If they ever get him to the State of Virginia (where they are trying to file espionage charges against him), he's really screwed.

I just don't see this pan out. Even if the US officials, and excuse me for saying that, but if they are stupid enough to bring him there and try him and find him guilty, the matter will likely go to the supreme court and it would be an ugly stain for the supreme court to find someone, let alone a non American guilty on the first amendment rights, where there's been a not guilty verdict in the case of the Pentagon Papers.

These powerful people have to get used to the wiki leaks trend and watch it. This whole operation could go underground and go on. It isn't just Assange.

That's an ugly attitude for a country that claims to be the beacon of democracy and free speech. Apparently it is good until it comes and bites you in the ass.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones