That was a very intelligent, Anton. And I think it was very adequate, in most parts, and very well thought out. Thing is, ShortCake doesn't go by her own words(no offense, ShortCake), she just goes by with the Bible says. Weather she agrees or disagrees; "the Bible is right!" That's why certain things about the Catholic religion, although I am Catholic, bug me. I don't like being a slave to my religion, and not being able to have my own opinions. I think it's okay to be Catholic, believe in God; go by the Bible(SOMEWHAT), but still disagree with some parts, and have my own beliefs. That's called freedom of speech, free will, which the Bible says to have amd I enjoy having. ShortCake, OS, DV; they just go by WHATEVER the Bible says no matter WHAT.

Even, though, ShortCake, I'm still confused and wanting some clarification about your hypocritical ways when you agreed with everything I said, then said the complete opposite. Please verify what opinional side you're on, and why you keep switching.

Don Papa, very wise, as Geoff said. I guess I can be responsible for the "name calling" a bit. But, alot of times, I just consider "idiot" and "stupid" ways of saying "HELLO!" They are VERY mild; as swear words seem to be the dangerous ones, which I try to avoid in arguments. It's just, people like OS who try to look smart when they aren't bug me. When they have NO valid points, and just cry out "THE BIBLE SAYS SO!!" without any beliefs of their own. That just pisses me off. But, I get what you're saying and agree.

If we can carry on a "peaceful" debate, which is nearly impossible, great. smile If not, it's better to end it.

I have spoken...

the power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it. george bernard shaw