ShortCake, I'm still dying to hear your opinions on your sins...the one who brags about sex with her boyfriend...yes, you haven't answered it.

Listen, I want you to look back over history really seriously and think about what religion has done to us. Look at the Crusades, look at the Spanish Inquistions, look at the arguments, what was religion intended for? Thing is, and it's simple, is that homosexuality is natural. A completely natural, harmless thing. Homosexuals seem to be very kind people, and rarely do much harm, not compared to your religion, Scake, which has been harming the homosexuals and countless others for thousands of years. Your disgusting hate is what is causing all this, your condemnation of the homosexual people is what's causing deaths, suffering, of so many. It's true. It's not freedom of speech, and free will stuff is bullshit. It is what I like to call LIFE. Life...what is it? No idea...its purpose...unknown...but homosexuality is no kind of jokingly repairable bullshit, it's no disease, it's a way of life which all animals, even plants, have; to hate these people and condemn them in the name of the Lord is a disgrace on your Lord. Are they not people? Have they no right to just be who they are without assholes like you telling them that what they are doing is "wrong" and "work of Satan"? I know what you're thinking.

And why shout at me? I can damn well call you everything under the biological Sun if I want, I certainly have experience of your mind-numbing ignorance, but why get into that, I can tell what kind of a hateful, loathesome person you are; condemning people for being themselves. It's serious ShortCake, you are being as bad as any old bastard who hates people. Hate...I'm no hippy but there's a fucking lot of hate in the world. It's soon going to lead us to our downfall. I am an atheist, but religion intrigues me - I certainly don't dismiss it like you have chosen to dismiss homosexuals over a book. I am lucky to see religion from the outside, and see that you're a prime example of what it does to people and how it affects others.

Holocausts. Pain. Death. Serious fucking words and what you're doing is a serious fucking discrimination.

Please ShortCake can you think. Thinking is so important...use your own head, not others, surely you have something in there. It pains me, it really pains me to see what you people can do. It is really painful. frown

Enough said. I said a lot there and you should seriously consider it. I'm not dismissing your argument ShortCake (freedom of speech has nothing to do with it), but you are dismissing others.



Only after the last tree has been cut down
Only after the last river has been poisioned
Only after the last fish has been caught

Then you will find that money cannot be eaten.