Originally Posted By: Buttmunker
....And Michael, most of all, took everything personally - expecially in Part II. His reaction to Kay's abortion; Fredo; Tom's offers of recruitment - all of it.

Michael took 'everything' personally? All of it?

How would you feel if your wife had just spewed that she had intentionally aborted your child, behind your back, adding that she didn't want to bring another of your sons into this world...and up to this moment had led you and everyone else to believe it had been a miscarriage?

How would you feel if you had just come to the realization that your own brother had conspired against you with a known enemy and even if he didn't intend it very nearly had you and possibly your wife murdered in the process?

True, Michael intentionally embarrassed Tom in front of Rocco & Al...not to defend this but by then he had been betrayed by just about everyone he had once trusted. Unfortunately, the ever-loyal Tom was put in his place for merely attempting to offer his opinion.

So bottom line I suppose is that both Sonny & Michael took certain things 'personally'. But they reacted in different ways, because even though brothers they were different people. To compare them I believe is quite useless although it does provide some entertaining moments.

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.