OS -- I'm arrogant? Why, because I prove you wrong? Please. I believe in the same God that Catholics believe in -- don't try to act smart and tell me who I worship. I can believe in a religioin, but DISAGREE with certain parts and aspects and have my OWN belief; just like God said we could -- FREE WILL.

What did you say that is stupid? All your fucking posts. You compare a homosexual to a murderer, then say it's exaggerated? EXACTLY!!! You can't get your point across or be right, which you aren't, unless you EXAGGERATE. Think of some more fitting examples. You make me want to vomit. rolleyes

I haven't shown anything that the Catholic religion shows? I believe in God, I obey him, I use my free will, I pray... I just don't go by every fucking thing he says. I can believe in what I want, and I believe in him, but disagree with some things he says. Comprehend what I say before TRYING to look smart.

DV -- EXACTLY. I don't agree with homosexuality, meaning I am not homosexual. But I respect them. But, you still say what they are doing is wrong, when there is no right or wrong because it's not something they can choose.

ShortCake -- So I'm an idiot? Why? Because YOU contradicted yourself? You AGREED WITH ME that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality, and that shit that the Bible says about it being a sin was bullshit. Then you come back and say the complete OPPOSITE; which you still haven't explained, and say it's SICK when you yelled at Vercetti for saying it before. And I'm an idiot? Sorry, but I'm not. And I believe in free speech to ANYONE. You say I shout "slander" and tell people they're "horribly wrong" when they disagree? I take that as an insult, since I never have. Anyone can believe in whatever they want. But when someone shuns something I believe in, you bet your fucking ass I'm gonna stick up for it. Which is FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

And so far, NO, you haven't shown any proof except contradicted yourself. Sorry to be harsh, but when push comes to shove...

the power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it. george bernard shaw