Originally posted by Chilltown:
...Not to be disrespectful, but Duvall is getting up there in age, and besides the character, no matter how it was rewritten for Hamilton, didn't warrant that much money.
You're obviously thinking in PRE-GFIII terms and not those of today, looking back at the quality and success of the film. At the time, Duvall was 12 years younger than he is now and his character would have aged in the same way everyone's did. Time has proven that the inclusion of Tom Hagen in the story WOULD have warranted that much money.
As re-written for Hamilton, they probably spent more than the should've.

Originally posted by Chilltown:
...Whether people percieved this movie to be good or not was subjective to the person, but good or bad, Paramount had people talking incessantly about this picture.
The Godfather Part III was so long awaited and eagerly anticipated that Paramount would have had to do very little to have fans of the first two talking incessantly about it. And had they thought a little more about the artistic side and NOT the marketing then a better picture may have resulted. [/QB][/QUOTE]

Originally posted by Chilltown:
...I would also like to note that if a Part IV is ever made, expect Fonda and Hamilton to have large parts.

If you say so...let them! Because anyone associated with the REAL classics will have the brains to stay far away from have any part of it.

(Incidentally, Hamilton has proven durable & pleasant as a celebrity and pops up every few years just for laughs...but talented as she is and despite a promising early career, I haven't seen much of interest from Ms. Fonda over the past 10 years.)

Yep...REAL smart marketing move on Paramount's part.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.