This stuff is getting way off topic from the poll, but it's an interesting debate. However, since it's a religous debate, obviously, it'll never be resolved with one side saying "yeah, you're right, I never thought of that."

Vercetti et al. should be commended on their faith. I'm Christian, too (raised Catholic). However, what I don't like about some Christians is their judgement of others. Or telling people they're going to Hell for their actions.

WTF difference does it make to you what someone else wants or needs to do? How does it effect you, personally? What do you care if someone you don't even know goes to Hell? Your arguements/debates will not change anyone, so it's a waste of time.

Interesting, yes, but a waste of time.

But let me, too, waste a little space on this. Why the hell not?

From what I understand, I'm pretty sure a homosexual know's he's gay (an acceptible term, AL) very early in life. He or she may not comprehend what it means, but he/she may simply feel differently towards males and females. I would imagine it is a mixuture between nature and nurture, like pretty much everything else. It'd really be interesting to find out if there are known studies on this, where they've found pairs of twins with one being gay and the other not. That would be interesting as nature AND nurture would be the same, if they grew up together.

As a result (and probable) mixture of nature (born that way) and nurture (raised in a way that would make you more disposed to it), I don't see much "free will" involved in homosexuality. Why? Because it's probaby not a choice. People don't choose to be straight, and people don't choose to be gay. They just are one or the other, or both.

Is it a sin? Yeah, probably. So is masturbation, and 61% of the people here admit to doing that (and probably another 30% lied). Are masturbators going to Hell? I sure hope nope!

I believe in God. And I believe He is very forgiving. The man crucified beside him confessed to Jesus on the cross next to him, and he was forgiven and he went to Heaven. The other didn't, and he went to Hell. So that story goes, anyway.

Sure, God is not necessarily happy with promiscuity and orgies, etc. That's why he destroyed the two cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, because they'd have non-stop orgies (gay and straight, I'd imagine), even after knowing God's teachings. Now, luckily things aren't as bad these days (and hell, it may just be a parable anyway), since this was before Jesus' time, and He's forgiven us, and does forgive us, for our sins.

I don't want to preach here, or I'll sound like Vercetti. And I hate people who preach, so I won't. It doesn't change anyone's opinions. Just like this reply, it won't change anyone's opinions.

So I'll just leave it at this: Respect your neighbors for their differences. The differences in this word, be they age, gender, race, sexual preference, culture, whatever, are what makes this world so wonderful. And it's obviously the reason this poll was called the "Melting Pot" - because we're all different, and none better than another.


I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey! tongue lol

Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin

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