I never said He destroyed a town. SCake said that and I never heard of it. SCake, where does it say this?

Vercetti said: ^

I never directed that particular comment at you? Do you notice the space between the posted thoughts? Try Genisis or Exodus Vercetti. I'm sure you'll find it there.

God, also rained fire from the sky to destroy two villages. Killed the first born of every non-hebrew family or any family who hadn't any lamb blood on their door.

JoltinJoe said the follwoing:
"My God flooded the Middle East for 40 days. He killed lots of people and animals. Yet, I still fully believe in him, and worship him."

Joke? If not, it shows; the human being you are and your intelligence level. Would you worship him if he burnt your family and flooded your house? If not, you're selfish, and that's also a sin. According to the bible a sin is a sin and that would be as wrong as condemning homosexuality, or what you so fear, being a homosexual or a bisexual.
