Julie made a classic mistake: You can piss off/stick it to everybody, one at a time. But not all at once.

Whether these crimes are legit or not, I do think the governments/Internet/credit card companies throwing the book...no the library...at that group only gives them legitimate positive status as outlaws. Opposite of what they intend, I assume.

Or to put it another way, consider how this shitstorm didn't fall on them after they leaked the documents on Afghanistan and Iraq, or for that matter that infamous, embarrasing classified video of U.S. military cutting down those Reuters reporters*.

No, the hammer came down after those diplomatic cable leaks. I think that probably says everything to be said on that front?

Besides the governments are going to learn quickly what Hollywood and music labels learned the hard way earlier this decade: You can try to police such digital piracy all you want, but you can't stop it. A finger in a dam's leak.

*=Which was a tragedy enough, but then claim those casualties were a result of a (fictional) battle with insurgents...classic Watergate mistake: cover-up of the crime blowback worse than the crime itself.

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 12/14/10 04:16 AM.